Friends of Open AIR
An inspired giving program with Open AIR
Sponsor an Artist Residency Site of your Choosing!
How it Works...
Friends can contribute a one-time, recurring, or Group Donation. Groups collectively support a residency.
Friends are paired with artist residency sites and receive updates.
Opportunities for social connections, hosting events, and attending annual parties.
Friends of Open AIR
Levels & Benefits
The greatest benefit of the Friends program is providing impactful support for artists to create and engage our communities. Additionally, Friends receive:
ENGAGE: ($500) - Every friend is matched with a residency site and invited to our annual welcome & appreciation parties.
INSPIRE: ($1,000) - (+) VIP cocktail hour at exhibit opening + Receive a printed artist interview at your site.
EMPOWER: ($2,500) - (++) Invitation to tour FOA site with Open AIR Director.
TRANSFORM: ($5,000 & above) - Supports an entire residency. (+++) Invitation to a meal with the artists.
Once you register, payments can be made online by filling out the following secure form or sending a check to
Open AIR, PO Box 8643, Missoula, MT 59807.