Conversation with Heidi Marie Faessel
Pass It On ©Heidi Marie Faessel 2020 4’ x 4’ x 40” - discarded T-shirts, house paint
Info about you:
I’m a multidisciplinary artist living in Whitefish, Montana. My recent focus has been on abstract, gestural paintings and fiber sculptures made from discarded T-shirts collected from my immediate community.
I love the creative process and it fuels me through the experimentation process. It’s this sense of discovery that bridges the gap between an idea or curiosity that I’m following, and bringing it into our 3-D world.
Off the Deep End 2020 96” x 60” acrylic, spray paint on canvas
Info about the collaboration:
Although my collaborative partners were unable to continue their participation in this residency, I enjoyed the initial ideation period where we brainstormed ideas on how we would collaborate and what our focus would be.
Be Here Now ©Heidi Marie Faessel 2019 34 x 48” - discarded T-shirts, house paint, thread
Info about the process:
Since we all had a component of textiles in our artistic practice, we devised the following plan: 1. Source found fabrics 2. Forage natural materials from our immediate surroundings 3. Dye the fabrics with dyestuff we made from natural materials. 4. Create a garment from the prepared materials.
Detail from Be Here Now ©Heidi Marie Faessel 2019 34 x 48” - discarded T-shirts, house paint, thread