“Being out in nature is an essential part of my creative process; the sounds of birds and insects help me center myself, clear my mind, and feel recharged.”

Summer II 2024 Artist-in-Residence Flathead Lake Biological Station

Tell us about your artistic background.

My early interest in art developed closely along with my fascination with nature. I grew up with a bookshelf filled with many field guides that I would flip through endlessly when I wasn’t outside playing with insects. I also loved sketching from field guides, labeling the creatures I saw with their corresponding species names. This process of identifying and learning about different species fueled my curiosity, which has continued into adulthood.

Watercolor sketches of Odonate specimens found near FLBS

Sketches of Odonates and Antlions.

In high school, I became involved with the Peabody Museum of Natural History, where I prepared bird study skin specimens for the ornithology collection. This experience also gave me access to the collection for sketching and painting. When I attended the University of Michigan for my undergraduate studies, I continued my work with the museum and later used avian specimens for my honors thesis research project. I was also minoring in Art, incorporating my fascination with birds in my art projects. During this time, I was primarily working in watercolor and gouache. The merging of art and biology through scientific illustration felt like the perfect way to combine my two passions. After graduating with a B.S. in Environmental Science, I started a one-year fellowship at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology as a Bartels Science Illustrator. In this position, I created a variety of artworks aimed at inspiring people about birds and conservation. It was my first time devoting my whole attention to just art-making for an entire year, which felt very refreshing to me after feeling burnt out from research during college.

As a scientific illustrator, I am dedicated to capturing the accuracy and detail of a subject, particularly in anatomy. At the same time, the artist in me is always interested in exploring ways to bring more playfulness and looseness to my work by experimenting with color and different mediums to find a balance between accuracy and creativity.

Vera is wearing a hat and holding a net as she stands in a path surrounded by big leafy plants.  Trees and mountains are in the distance.

Vera working on site.

Describe your Open AIR Residency experience.

My Open AIR residency at Flathead Lake Biological Station took place during a Montana heatwave, amid the bustling undergraduate summer session. I felt like I was always on the go during my time there! I quickly became familiar with the staff, researchers, and instructors, coordinating with them about daily activities and field outings I could join. As someone who thrives in the field, these field trips were a perfect way for me to learn alongside the students while exploring the diverse ecosystems around Flathead Lake.

Vera is sitting on a plateau, sketching with her back to the camera. Expansive mountains are in the distance.

Vera sketches at Logan Pass in Glacier National Park.

It was my first time in Montana and the Northwestern United States, so I made it a priority to explore the outdoors as much as possible. A large portion of my time was spent adventuring alongside researchers and students, discovering alpine wildflowers, birds, and insects that live in the area. Whenever I had the chance, I would capture reference photos and sketch the landscapes around me. Without a car, my daily schedule was very flexible, often determined by which outings I could join. I enjoyed the company of the undergrads and researchers at the field station, and I loved hearing about the various class excursions. There were numerous field courses during my residency focused on ecological topics like lake, stream, and alpine ecology. I was always fascinated to hear about the different sites each class visited and what they were being taught. At least once a week, I would unwind with some of the undergrads at The Raven, the nearby restaurant and bar, where we’d enjoy a drink and catch up as the sun set over the lake.

Vera and researchers smiling and being rained on in a green field of tall grass. The forest is shown in the background.

Vera and researchers drenched by intermittent showers during a hike.

Throughout the residency, I felt incredibly welcomed by everyone at FLBS, and the educational atmosphere was both inspiring and energizing. I learned something new every day. As the residency neared its end, I had the chance to host a botanical drawing workshop during the FLBS Open House. It was a peaceful afternoon spent sketching with locals and visitors, a wonderful opportunity to connect with the community and share my creative process.

People sit around a table sketching plants in the middle during Vera's workshop.

Participants sketching at Vera’s workshop.

Tell us more. How did the residency influence or change your artistic direction? Were there moments that surprised you or shifted your process?

Initially, I planned to shift my focus away from my usual avian muses and instead explore insects and aquatic organisms around the Flathead Lake region. However, I found myself drawn back to birds. The Ponderosa Pines that dot the Biostation were great for birdwatching, and I often spotted small flocks moving through the branches. One evening, while walking along a trail near my cabin, I encountered a group of chickadees in the pines, as well as a few Yellow-rumped Warblers. I also caught glimpses of a pair of Black-headed Grosbeaks. As I attempted to sketch them, I became especially captivated by the form of the grosbeaks—the way their heads sloped smoothly into their bills and the amusing way they were skulking behind the dense pine needles. This encounter inspired me to begin drafting a line drawing for a painting based on what I had observed.

Sketches of grossbeak perched on ponderosa pine branches.

The sketching and planning process for Vera’s grosbeak piece.

During my residency, I spent a lot of time with the Animal Behavior class. In our field outings, we often focused on insects, which allowed me to learn more about the fauna of each location. I documented these observations through photographs and sketches, and I plan to create a series of illustrations showcasing the organisms I encountered and studied throughout the residency.

The Animal Behavior class standing in a field of tall yellowish grass at McGee Meadow in Glacier National Park.

The Animal Behavior class visits McGee Meadow at Glacier National Park.

What role does place (both in terms of physical space and community) play in your work, especially during your time at Open AIR.

It was important for me to engage with researchers and students in order to immerse myself in the various ecological subjects being taught. Being out in nature is an essential part of my creative process; the sounds of birds and insects help me center myself, clear my mind, and feel recharged. Wetlands in particular are my happy place, and I love to wade through water and get hands-on when investigating the organisms living in or near the water.

One of my favorite ways to capture a place is through nature journaling. I sketch and jot down what I’m hearing and noticing around me in my sketchbooks. Revisiting these pages allows me to reconnect with the emotions and observations of those specific experiences. Participating in various day trips gave me a unique opportunity to learn about local ecosystems and ecology while also providing time for reflection and a personal connection with the landscape.

Watercolor of a green plateau with mountains in the back, and a watercolor of a bear and three flower specimen

Sketchbook pages from Vera’s field day at Logan Pass in Glacier National Park.

What are you up to now (post-Open AIR)?

I've been reflecting on how exploring new places influences my art-making process. At the core of my practice is the act of exploration and the freedom to investigate on my own. I find great joy and inspiration through collecting reference materials, whether through photographs or physical specimens like plants and insects, and I have been spending time reviewing what I've gathered and sketched during this residency. I have a keen eye for small details and love translating those nuances into my artwork. Right now, I’m focused on developing the observations and experiences I’ve had this summer into a cohesive body of work.

Hear Vera talk about art and the natural world in her Artist Talk

Visit Vera’s Instagram and website to learn more!


Linnea Fitterer: PLACE PATCHWORK